About Proveca

Medicines for Children

Many medicines, even essential medicines, are not licensed for paediatric use. Often, adult medicines are used in paediatrics; this is “off-label use” as they have not been adequately studied and developed for use in the paediatric population.

Our research and development projects include developing medicines for children with neurological and cardiovascular conditions, to improve their quality of life.

‘We are a Family of Passionate Pioneers’

What do Proveca want to be?

To be the leading children’s medicines company in the world.

How are we going to get there?

Starting with the child in mind, we design, develop and deliver medicines to address their unmet medical needs.

We are also passionate about raising awareness and increasing funds for children’s charities, aiming to improve the lives of children. In January 2020, coinciding with our 10th anniversary, the Proveca children’s charity fundraising initiative was set up to support the valuable work undertaken by children’s charities.

Our Values

Our values have been derived from internal members within Proveca, this involved discussions with a variety of individuals across the business, in various countries to understand what Proveca meant to them. The information gathered was then condensed into three core values that outline Proveca – ‘Family, Passionate and Pioneers’.


Family in Proveca means working together to achieve a shared purpose.

To do this we treat everyone with respect, and have a vested interest in each other’s success and wellbeing.​

The payoff is real trust, unconditional support and being able to show up as your authentic self. This creates an environment where everyone feels heard and included, wherever they are in the world.


Our Passion is our WHY.

When it’s children at the heart of our vision, it’s hard not to be passionate about addressing their unmet medical needs.

In Proveca passion will not stop at a feeling, it has to be converted into action to deliver real outcomes for real children, worldwide.

This is what we devote ourselves to everyday.


Being a pioneer is about having the curiosity to try new ways of working, adopting a growth mindset then applying this to what we do, day in day out.

Pioneers lead the way, doing things that haven’t been done before. To get there, they do this in their everyday, in the steps they take to reach their vision of being the leading children’s medicine company in the world.

At Proveca we pioneer by getting one step closer everyday with our mindset and resilience knowing we will be celebrating our next big win soon.

Drawings have been produced by the children of Proveca employees